Monday, April 11, 2011



Just a few days back i saw a banner which stated the following line “Women are the real architects of the society”. Well i do partially agree with the above line because the way today’s woman is progressing in every field there is no doubt that they have played a major role in building the society. Well there is nothing that a woman can’t do and i salute every woman in this country. Well a woman can don many roles in her life......Some of the most beautiful role a woman plays in her daily life are as follows


One of the most beautiful relationship with a woman. A woman with whom you can share your sorrows, joy and secrets. A woman with whom you can fight on silly issues. A woman whom you can trust a lot. But sadly this relationship stays strong until she is married (i might be wrong) but in most of the cases after her marriage she has her own family to look after and hence the bond of brother and sister becomes a little fragile. But really it’s good to have a sister.


It’s quite difficult to maintain a friend among girls your entire life. Because it is very rare that i have seen a boy and a girl maintain their friendship even after their marriage. For reasons best known to all of us there is a time when we have to give the friendship with a girl a break. But the time when you are friend’s with a girl are the best times of your life.


Accept it or not we all must have fallen in love with at least one girl in our life (well there are cases where people have fallen in love more than once). Again this relationship with the woman gives you the feeling of being like in heaven. But 90% of times even this relationship fails to reach the climax due to various reasons. But being in love even for sometime is a great feeling and marrying the same woman is the best thing that can happen in life.


Well she is the woman who controls the major part of life of every men. It she who can make a man’s life a hell or heaven. As the saying goes “You cannot live with her and you cannot live without her also”. But still it’s a wonderful relationship considering the fact that the woman leaves behind all her blood-relations for a man whom she hardly knows and takes care of him his entire life.


Come on can we forget her.....She is the most beautiful woman in the whole world.....She is the only person who loves her child till death.....She is the one who can sacrifice almost anything for her child......Really no one apart from a woman can play this role the best because for being a mother i think that person needs to sacrifice a lot......and i think only a woman has the quality of sacrificing.....really we men are selfish at times but a woman always sacrifices almost anything for her loved ones.


Really this is the worst role a woman can play......She will act like a HITLER and make you do the task......I hate woman’s who play this role because you just can’t raise your voice against her....Well forget about raising your voice.....we will not get a chance even to open our mouth for voicing our opinion.

Well there are many other roles that a woman plays apart from the ones mentioned above. But without any doubt the best role a woman can play are

1) Mother

2) Wife

3) Friend

4) Sister

5) Lover

6) BOSS(I hate every woman who plays this role)


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