Monday, April 11, 2011



Well here is that magical day when LOVE is celebrated by one n all.Really all those people who have a special one in their life and all those who are considered special by someone are lucky.And i am sure we all fall in atleast one of the above mentioned case if not two i.e either you love someone special OR you are special for someone. Well many people say to their partners that he/she is the only person whom they love in this entire world and that he/she is the only person with whom they have fallen in love. But i have to be honest saying this that i have fallen in love more than once and of course with a different girl every time. But my love has always been one sided i.e whichever girl i have loved has never loved me back. Some people say LOVE is a big mistake and all those who fall in love never gain anything out of it, infact they lose their peace of mind.But i would say LOVE has been quite kind enough for me. So here i am to share some of my experiences that i have had with LOVE during the different phases of my life and what i have gained out of it.

Well first love struck me when i was in 7th standard. During my school especially till 7th standard i was a very dull student. I used to rank 38 in a class of 50 students and as my complexion was a bit dark all other students used to tease me a lot (They used to call me “Kalai”). And hence unable to bear all these taunts i used to never mingle with any student of my class. To be honest i had no friend until i met her. Well she was the topper of my class and her name is Ruhi. Despite being the topper of my class she used to be very friendly with me and this is what i really liked about her and we really became the best of friends in the next year or so. At that time i didn’t realize that i loved her but to match her in every aspect i started studying well and after much hard work i was able to break the top 20 in 8th standard. And day by day our friendship grew more thick and in 9th standard i made it to the top 5 in my class for the first time and guess what she was ranked behind me. But then due to some reasons i couldn’t be in touch with her after my 10th standard and since then i have never seen her. Really whatever i have achieved today in my academics a huge credit goes to Ruhi and i will never forget her for this because it was she who inspired me to study and it was for her that i started studying well so that i could impress her. Hence “Education” was what i gained from my first love though i lost a wonderful friend in Ruhi.

Well it didn’t take long for me to fall in love for the second time. Well i fell in love the 2nd time when i was in 11th standard with a girl named Sharmista. I fell in love with her the moment i saw her unlike with Ruhi which took me some time. So the first question was how was i going to impress her ? Well the answer was DANCE. To be honest i had never danced in my entire school life but just to impress her i decided i will perform a solo dance in my college festival and well the plan did work because just a few months after that dance performance she came up and talked with me for the first time. Now its been 7 years that i know her and just last year i proposed to her and guess what she rejected but she still is a very good friend. Really i was heart-broken the day she rejected me but then there was nothing that i could do and thought might be GOD has someone even more special than her. Just a week back while chatting with her she said one boy has proposed her and guess what this time she accepted his proposal. Well another heart-break that day and since then i have not talked with her(I know that is not right) but it makes me feel like i am nothing against that boy who has proposed Sharmista. But no matter what i thank Sharmista because it was she who inspired me to Dance and well i am good dancer if not the best. Hence “DANCE” was what i gained from my 2nd love.

Well this is about a girl who is one of my best friend among in fact she is my best friend among girls. I met her when i was in my 2nd year of engineering and its been 5 years now that i know her and really i like her a lot. Well her name is Noureen and she is exactly like me in character(very mischievous and talkative) and really that’s one reason i like her a lot because Ruhi and Sharmista were complete opposites of me(very disciplined and calm). I will never forget the times that i have spent with her. Well you might ask what i have gained out of this friendship with from Ruhi àEducation...from SharmistaàDance. Just a few days back one of my friend said to me “Allen, you have a very boring life”. I accept what my friend said but really whatever little joy and sense of humor you find in me it’s because of Noureen. Because it is with her that i have learnt how to enjoy life, how to laugh and how to smile. I thank Noureen for all this and i should say this that “She will be the best friend among girls i will ever have” because i don’t think i will be able to find someone like her because i am not that good in making friends(especially with girls).

And finally coming to my current love. But friends there is no one special in my love life right now. But yes there is this one girl who i met in Chennai. But it’s too early to say anything about her but all i can say about her is that she is a complete opposite of me(Well just like Ruhi and Sharmista). Well below mentioned are the dialogues that the hero of the film Saathiya(Alaipayuthey) says to the heroine. Well my situation is somewhat similar to this

Film Version My Version

I don’t think you are beautiful I think she is beautiful

I don’t think i like you I think i like her a lot

I don’t think i love you I think i love her

But i fear that all this would happen. And really i don’t want all this to happen


1 comment:

Vibes2388 said...

Allen, you wrote about all girls which are either opposite of you of or the one who is like you; but do you know what kind of girl do you want? And how do you decide you are in love with that person.