Thursday, March 12, 2009

Political chaos in Pakistan

Democracy is finding it's foothold in Pakistan quite shaky as the Pakistan Army Chief General Kiyani has warned President Zardari to clean up the political mess in the country before march 16.This warning comes soon after Kiyani visited US  and it's quite clear that US has encouraged Kiyani to take some urgent action.Amidst wide speculation that Kiyani might follow the footsteps of Pervez Musharaf,PM Gilani has claimed that army taking over Pakistan is absolutely nil.

For a long time there has been unrest between Zardari and Nawaz Sharif over the reinstatement of Chief Justice Ifthikar Chaudhary.The constant demanding of Nawaz urged Zardari to take the step of dissolving the governement of Punjab(Pakistan) where Nawaz Sharif's brother  Shabaz Sharif is the CM.Zardari even barred the Sharif's brothers from contesting the elections.Protesting over these issues,Nawaz has called for a long march which is set to take place on March 16.Zardari has imposed section 144 (This section states that no public meetings or rallies can take place) in the place where the long march is set to occur.Zardari has even got many Nawaz's supporters arrested and even has threatned to arrest Nawaz Sharif.

Sharif on the other hand has vowed that he will bring justice to the people.The major demand of Sharif is the reinstatement of Chief Justice Ifthikar who was asked to step down during Musharaf's regime.Sharif has urged the people of Pakistan to defy the law(section 144) and take part in the rally.Nothing seems to be going right even for Imran Khan led Tehrik-e-Insaf as Zardari has issued arrest orders for Imran Khan as well.But Imran fearing the arrest is missing from his residence but is suspected to have gone hidden.This is the 2nd time Imran Khan has evaded arrest,the last time being when Musharaf had issued orders of arrest.

Well,as of now there is complete chaos in Pakistan.March 16 is all set to keep us guessing what's going to happen in this troubled country.

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