Friday, February 13, 2009


LOVE is in the air during this period of the month as every lover is looking forward to express his/her love to his/her valentine.Rather this year fear is in the air,as many "moral police" brigade's of the society have threatened to wipe out the valentine's across the country as Valentine's Day is tarnishing the Indian culture.

Sri Ram Sene one of the moral police brigade in Bangalore has vowed that no V-day celebrations would take place and any couple displaying their love or affection in public would be seriously thrashed.Another cadre of moral police named Bajrang Dal has even to said it would marry off couples who display their love in public.Surprisingly our very own Raj Thackeray of MNS has said that no men from his party would attack or stop the celebrations of V-day.The NCP has even decided to open shops where valentine greeting cards and flowers would be sold.

Well,now the question is why these elements of society are so miffed with the V-day? They claim that V-day has never been part of Indian culture and it has been adopted from the West.Well,India has always had a history where lovers have been beaten to death(eg:- laila majnu).But we are in the 21st century and every citizen has his/her own right to live life and choice to select his/her partner.Who are these moral police to tell me what is right for me?

Some people question do we really need a particular day to celebrate love? Well in today's world where every man is just so busy with his/her work that he forgets to express his/her love to their loved ones.Hence why not have a particular as V-day.

To all those moral police brigade who are trying to save the Indian culture,V-day is not just for lovers but even for brothers/sisters,child/parent and every other personal relationship.Why is it necessary that only a girl can love a boy? Why doesn't a mother love her son? Let's hope for the best this V-day and wishing everyone a HAPPY VALENTINE DAY!!

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