Thursday, February 12, 2009


FACEBOOK--the latest sensational social networking site is surely changing the way people used to communicate.Earlier such sites had been used to just connect with ur friends and share with them ur photos,experiences and even ur daily activities.FACEBOOK ofcourse offers all these perks but it has been used by many people for some matters that attract national interest.

Consider the case where some members of the FACEBOOK had formed a community which was used to collect funds for the families who had lost their loved ones in 26/11 attacks in Mumbai.It even launched a community where u can have ur view over the recent attacks in Mumbai.

The most recent case of girls being assaulted in a pub in mangalore has attracted wide critcism from all parts of India.To protest against this incident,a 400 member community in FACEBOOK has decided to send pink panties to the Sri Ram Sene leader Muthalik on the VALENTINE DAY.Quite a diiferent way of protesting against a cause using FACEBOOK as a medium.Now Mr.Muthalik has decided to send a saree to each female member of that community as a response.

Putting everyone in disarray was a incident when a man had announced that he has decided to divorce his wife on FACEBOOK.It was the poor woman's friend who let her know about her husband's decision(poor woman was not so net savy).

Hence FACEBOOK has been now widely used for a variety of purposes.In a few years from now u will here some people announcing their marriages on FACEBOOK.And why not propose ur girl friend or boy friend on FACEBOOK this VALENTINE'S DAY...... seems to be a good idea!!!!!!!!!!

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