Monday, December 8, 2008


Well now it has become a habit for mumbaikars to overcome such terror attacks is what some some people have to say! But the mumbaikars have proved them wrong this time round by not letting this incident pass away soon.Over a lakh of mumbaikars gathered at the gateway of india to pay homeage to hundreds of innocent people who lost their lives in one of the most horrific incident which no mumbaikar will forget.


Is it our government? OR Is it our neighbour pakistan which is training such militants? OR Is it because we citizens never raise our opinion?

Well according to me all the three are responsible.We all have the right to blame the government for not providing full proof security for it's citizens only when each and every citizen exercises his right to vote.It's we who have selected Mr.Singh as our PM who has not been able to protect his own people.When the elections are on half the population fails to cast their vote which surely shouldn't happen.Nobody should forget that every vote counts!

Then our close neighbour Pakistan is well known for how it trains terrorists in it's own land.According to me our army should enter the areas where terrorist are hidden.Mr.Zardari has refused to hand over 21 suspects which the indian government wants from pakistan.He has been constantly denying pakistan's role in this attacks when our intelligence sources have enough proof against them.I think we India and US should jointly undertake the job of cleaning out this terrorists.

Then we as citizens have an equally important role to play in making this nation free from such attacks. Well then how can this be done.We must encourage our younger generation to enter politics.Just look at the age difference between an US president and an Indian PM .Come on now it's high time, we now require young leaders who can lead india to safety and development.According to me the candidates who contest the elections should have no criminal cases against him,he should be atleast a degree holder and he should be between 35-45yrs old.

Hundreds of policemen have lost their lives in safegaurding our citizens.I pay my condolences to their families and pray that such an incident should never happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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